Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Abigail Williams in Crucible

The Crucible was created by Arthur Miller about the lifestyle and society in 1950s. In this play, there is a character named Abigail Williams, who I considered to be "viciously inhuman harlot, who drives the play." She bears most of the responsibility where for the girls meeting Tituba in the woods and Betty unconsciousness, but apparently she success to conceal the facts that she's guilty. However, she's trusted by people in the village. The worst part is people in the society act as if they're stupid and don't know what's she playing. Well, think this. How can you're not realize that every girl who oppose Abigail will be placed in front of the judge? But I was impresed by her that she able to lures all the girls to behave the same way. In some point, I believe that she had demonic possession and connection to voodoo.

Abigail represent everything opposite of Elizabeth. She doesn't suppress her desires. She finds herself attracted to Proctor while working in the Proctor home. According to the Puritanical mindset, Abigail's attraction to Proctor constitutes a sin, but one that she could repent of and refuse to acknowledge. Abigail does the opposite. She pursues Proctor and eventually seduces him. Abigail's willingness to discard Puritan social restrictions sets her apart from the other characters, and also leads to her downfall. Abigail is independent, believing that nothing is impossible or beyond her grasp. The most sinister act is where Abigail never felt guilty hanged so many people. In addition after she lost the judges' trust, Abigail steals Rev.Parris' life savings and ran away, never to be heard again.

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